— US
Institut Sarró is here to help you
— US
Institut Sarró is here to help you
We have been taking your mental health seriously for over 90 years
The Sarró family’s connection with psychiatry goes back to the beginning of the last century, when Dr. Ramón Sarró (1900-1993) returned from a stay in Vienna as a disciple of Sigmund Freud, and decided to dedicate his professional practice to psychiatry, a specialty in which he became an international reference. His children, Artur (1933-2008) and Blanca (1937), also psychiatrists, joined his practice in the Eixample district of Barcelona, where they both practiced for more than 50 years, always striving to achieve the maximum wellbeing of their patients, thus earning their respect and esteem.
Today, Dr. Salvador Sarró continues the family tradition by offering quality psychiatric care, aware of the enormous importance of the impact that a good mental and emotional balance has on people’s lives.
Institut Sarró is still located in the Eixample district of Barcelona, in facilities equipped to offer quality care and comfort, and has expanded its professional team (psychiatrists, clinical psychologists, and neurologists) to meet the needs related to mental health, taking care of both medical and psychological aspects.
Our philosophy is to take the utmost care
of our patients

We provide clear information about the treatments we offer to our patients.

We guarantee the best available treatments and the search for the most effective one.

We do not request unnecessary visits and only run those tests or explorations that are clinically justified.

We are committed to mental health prevention, especially in young people.

Sensitive treatment
We accompany each patient way and respect their demands and autonomy.

With us, confidentiality is
Our facilities
Institut Sarró is in a centrally located and well communicated facility of more than 150 square meters in Muntaner Street No. 200, in the Eixample district of Barcelona.
The new facilities, more spacious, warm and well equipped, have allowed us to improve the quality and comfort of our services.